What forming new connections means for an ‘Introvert’…

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Though I have always known how hard it is to form any connections, I got to ‘practically’ experience exactly how much with Bloganuary 22 challenge.

I also learned how to go about it even though it’s hard- and by ‘it’, I mean not simply forming connections but actually initiating them, too.

‘Introvert’ doesn’t necessarily equate to ‘the silent type’

An instant dictionary search on Google shows introvert to mean ‘a shy, reticent person’. Since that hardly qualifies for any definition, introvert- in terms of psychology- is defined as ‘a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things.’ Well, that’s a bit more clarifying… and relatable.

I can testify to the fact that introverts aren’t always ‘the silent people’- they are reticent, but not necessarily quiet. I have seen people who might outwardly seem sociable and talkative, occasionally to the point of being garrulous, but closer observation would reveal they did not really ‘connect’ to their surroundings. Make the conversation a little personal, and you could clearly see that they were ‘interactively’ impaired and were actually most comfortable in their own shell. The facade of sociability thus came out as forced.

I, myself, have been very talkative and sociable for most of my life (I’m not anymore) and was always surrounded by a big circle of friends all through my school and college years. I later found that the introvert in you, even if not initially at the forefront, can’t always remain buried underneath the layers of your conscious which has been busy maintaining a facade of extraversion. I’d say I gradually became a ‘full-time’ introvert as I grew older, and finally became free of the self-imposed need to be gregarious amongst people, which had actually always caused immense strain to my nerves.

I gradually gathered enough courage to acknowledge that I can not feel ‘gratification from external things’ (Wikipedia) as extroverts do; that (excepting a couple of people that I am closest to) I find my own company to be the best and, if given the choice, I’d prefer not to make any effort to reach out to people outside my own bubble. I am by no means a Heathcliff (that’s being anti-social… to alarming degrees) and certainly not ‘quiet’ (no one would be able to tell by a short interaction that I am an introvert) but I don’t reach out anymore either.

But that means negligible to no connection at all

And one thing you realise along with that is:

It takes an astoundingly short amount of time to lose connections if you don’t have strong enough desire to maintain them. And reestablishing them, or forming new ones, when you wish to at some point later in your life, is just as astoundingly hard and frustratingly time-taking.

Furthermore, you’ll find that you are painfully out of practice, too:) It might not be understandable for those to whom socialising comes naturally. But when you are an established introvert, even the basic greeting becomes tough work.

Since social media has always been somewhat of an anathema to me (which might come out as surprising, since I am a millennial), I’ve only ever had connections that I formed through interaction in the non-digital world. Which, to be honest, eventually became (excepting immediate and extended family) ZERO. And yes, there do exist people like that, even in today’s world.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

When the introvert realises the need for connections…

Well, forming connections is the first step towards the possibility of gaining any meaningful relationships. And established introvert or not, you do need to form relationships on a basic human level (that are other than your immediate loved ones).

At some point travelling down your smooth, unchallenging ‘comfort-road’, you realise that you need to have at least a few connections that challenge your introversion, where you have to make efforts to get to know and interact with a person outside the boundaries of your comfort zone. There is an element of fear in all this that stems from the risk of getting surprised- of the unexpected being flung your way- and that is an introvert’s nightmare. You have to be prepared to be rejected (or be met with lukewarm reaction) when you open yourself up to the possibility of connecting with people you know very little or nothing about (you never bothered to get to know anyone outside the very small populace of your bubble before this).

Then there is the fear of navigating the give-and-take dynamic which you know you’ll have to deal with if a connection does get established and you decide to take it even further (one doesn’t necessarily need to think that far, and the situation isn’t always that dramatic really😀, but it’s the introvert’s personal Neverland of Horrors we’re describing here).

These, and many other uncertainties and misgivings turn an introvert into a nervous wreck every time they decide to be ‘daring’ (speaking very subjectively, of course) and take the first step towards forming a new connection. And that first step could be as simple as accepting a friend request or worse (eye roll) sending it! Or, if we speak of the non-digital world, talking to your neighbour you previously avoided interacting with.

I came across a Michaela Chung quote that goes like this:

“That’s the thing about introverts; we wear our chaos on the inside where no one can see it.”

(the irresistible introvert)

This book is going on my to-read list right this instant.

The introvert’s timid first steps

Photo by Valeria Boltneva on Pexels.com

This is the inherent dichotomy of human nature: we are often bolder and surer of ourselves than we should be in our comfort zones; throw us out and we are more likely than not to feel more scared and doubtful of ourselves than the situation warrants. This essentially keeps us hovering near the edge of the unfamiliar, wanting to go in and explore but anxiety and discomfort holding us back.

  • Hence most of us, more often than not, do need a push to steer us in a certain direction. An introvert, at the very least, certainly needs some kind of push (not a sudden shove, a gentle push) into the socialising territory.
  • It doesn’t pay to flail about randomly without knowing where to start when you go about forming connections. It is also not beneficial to be hasty and expect the results to materialise after making the first few efforts.
  • It works best if you begin by reaching out- or responding- to people you share some common interests with.
  • You need to keep pushing yourself to move forward after the first tentative connections are established, and resist the urge to run back and hide in your cave of comfortable solitude.

I learned this as I was fumbling about in my efforts to start somewhere, and stumbled upon the WordPress newsletter mentioning the Bloganuary challenge. It had been a while since I had decided to pick up my blog again and to make some serious efforts to write regularly no matter how awkward I might initially feel, but I most likely would’ve let this ‘resolve’ silently go to the section of my mind marked ‘trash’, if I hadn’t suddenly been intrigued by the thought of writing daily on a readymade prompt without having to rack my brains for topic ideas. I started to hope it would jolt me into establishing a ‘write’ habit as it promised.

That it certainly did. But another thing it pushed me to do was to try to form connection with people who shared a common interest, i.e, writing. True, those connections have only been ‘digital’, and initially I was overwhelmed with awkwardness and the slight feeling of self-deprecation about making such a big deal out of something that’s supposed to be simple and effortless. But this feeling was progressively replaced by the sense of achievement as I took one baby step after another.

I did find that persisting in something makes you used to it and that, in turn, desensitises you to fear of the unfamiliar. A thing as simple as reading what other people have to say, and being courageous enough to put your own thoughts out there helps you go miles- from being wrapped in your cocoon to taking the plunge into a plethora of connection and diversity of opinion.

Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels.com

I am still nowhere near to overcoming the psychological barrier and ‘socialising like normal’ (well, it goes against the very definition of an introvert), but I think I have come much closer to finding the balance between embracing my introversion and acknowledging the need to find a niche in my life for human connection outside my comfort zone. I am recalling some lines from that beautiful poem by Robert Frost, ‘The Road Not Taken:

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

Well, for me the road less traveled by is the road I have less traveled by, if at all, but deciding to take it has certainly effected a huge shift towards positivity for me.

On the (somewhat) plus side, I think people socialising normally could never feel the gratification that comes with the sense of achievement and fulfilment felt by an introvert in forming every single connection. In there I believe, lies the meaning of it all for an introvert- they are able to cherish and give due value to each connection they form in a way that’s different from the people to whom forming social links is second nature. It’s because human connection costs an introvert the amount of effort and diligence that is greater than what it costs someone who isn’t.

[For some reason I am feeling the need for a sort-of-disclaimer here😀 : All has been said from a purely subjective point of view. I am no expert on psychology or introversion.]


  1. brittabenson says:

    I can totally relate to your blog post. After one year of blogging every day, I am finally, ever so slowly, starting to engage with other bloggers. All in my own time. I think this medium suits introverts. I have managed to make meaningful connections with a few other bloggers from all around the world, which has led to creative exchanges and collaborations I could have never dreamed of. It’s never the quantity of connection that makes a difference in your life, it’s the quality. One is a powerful number!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, this is a much more comfortable medium than traditional writing system for the introverts, and much more embracing and fulfilling than the ‘traditional’ way of socialising. It feels so good to read about other bloggers’ experiences who have extracted so much positivity and strength from blogging.
      And you are right; if you make efforts to develop and grow your blog organically, you progressively become concerned only with the quality. We all know in theory that quality, and not quantity, matters but in reality, this fact is usually not as ingrained in our minds as we like to believe.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As a lifelong introvert, I enjoyed your post. I worked for a time as a mental health counselor and learned that introversion/extroversion actually points to how we rejuvenate, how we are restore our energy. Extroverts gain energy by surrounding themselves with people. Introverts by spending time with themselves. Unfortunately, we live in a world where extroversion is valued and introversion is seen as somehow deficient… and it’s totally not true! We just have different ways of restoring ourselves. So introverts can be social, but when they feel drained, they tend to retreat into solo time. When extroverts feel drained, they want to go out and party!
    I rarely get together with people physically other than with family and a few close friends. But I have lots of online friendships through blogging. And they work because I can control the timing and take breaks. The friendships are very real and satisfying. I guess my message is that introverts are cool, interesting people, and we are just fine being ourselves. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can really connect to what you said. I, myself, am an introvert and have never thought myself the less for it. I think, introversion is a type of disposition or outlook on life, with its own pros and cons just like everything has, and not a disorder to be cured. I just wanted to talk about the way an introvert goes about forming connections and relationships while overcoming the hurdles their specific ‘brain-wiring’ poses in this process. I actually wrote this in the disclaimer at the end, but later deleted it while doing the last checks before publishing:)
      And yes, I have found blogging to be an excellent medium, esp for those people who have a great aptitude for writing, no matter the niche, but find the traditional publishing system to be to intimidating. And also for the people who find the ‘traditional’ way of socialising to be too nerve wrecking.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha. It was a great post for thinking about how I tend to communicate and build connections without them being “nerve wracking.” While these covid years have been miserable for extroverts, and they continue to be heart-breaking, I think introverts have weathered them with greater ease. Nice to chat, my new friend.


      2. Totally! I often say covid hasn’t affected me that much socially. I guess it’s a blessing to not be dependent on anyone but yourself for company. Nice chatting with you too, and I’m glad you think that way:)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Smiti says:

    Very relatable. I sometimes find it quite tough to make connections and keep them. Just last week my husband and I visited a Holi festival celebration organised by the Indian association in our town where we did not know a single person. It was strange but it was supremely awkward for us to walk to people and socialise so we just settled in a corner. Some people walked over to us said hi, asked what we did in Germany etc. and moved on. For me personally as I grow older I think the will to make newer acquaintances is definitely fading. I do understand and agree that sometimes it is important to leave your comfort zone but I am admittedly getting more and more comfortable in my own company.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I can totally feel what you’re saying! At least you were courageous enough to go to that festival and sit there for some time! We never went to any iftar gatherings that were held in our old neighborhood every year, or any of the Eid festivals organised by the Pakistanis who lived there. It was just so much pressure- sitting in a corner surrounded by so many ‘desi’s who’d most probably be looking like they were having the time of their lives, greeting and chatting with each other (because everyone was so sociable and families often met up with each other over noisy desi-style lunches or dinners) while we’d most probably look like we didn’t know what to do with ourselves:) And you know, a lot of people go to gatherings like these because they feel they HAVE to, like something must be wrong with them if they didn’t want to. For us personally, we’d rather have quiet suppers at home, or go out by ourselves, and enjoy our time on our own terms. Of course, we do like to meet up with a couple of families from time to time, but we do it the way we like it. I think we have the right to feel happy living our lives the way that matches our personalities and comfort level.


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